Hueston Sailing Association Social Activities
Good company is part of good sailing. To supplement our time on the water together, Hueston Sailing Association offers several social events during the year. All of the events are family oriented.

We have pot luck dinners on various Sailing Days. During the year, we have several meetings which often have a brunch, dinner, special activity or program. Sometimes HSA hosts regattas, such as the Midwest Regional  Sunfish Regatta, which include special events for participating sailors and their families.

Annually in November, we have a more formal awards banquet. You might even find someone wearing a tie at this event! At the awards banquet, trophies for the racing season are presented, and we enjoy some good food and fellowship.

Updated 1/16/2024
April 20 - Saturday
HSA Launch Day - Lunch
May 19 - Sunday
5:00 PM - Potluck and Meeting - Hueston Room
June 30 - Sunday5:00 PM - Potluck and Meeting - Hueston Room
July 14 - 17 Junior Sailing Camp
July 21- Sunday
11:00 AM - HSA Brunch & Meeting. Enjoy a meal before sailing. - Hueston Room
September 8 - Sunday
5:00 PM - Potluck and Meeting - Hueston Room
October 12 - Saturday
HSA Haul Out - Lunch - Hueston Room
November 2 - Saturday HSA 68th Annual Awards Banquet - Barn-N-Bunk

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